There's a small handful of published items covering the history of Lao royals. On a peronal note, most of my knowledge of them has come from what I've read and occasionally from what I hear some older Lao people say, as it is all very much before my time.
Depending on where you stand on the issue of monarchies, you may or may not miss these Lao kings and queens. However, for Lao history learners it is no doubt a key topic. For those who might be interested, here are some notable titles. Please note that our list does not include general history books that included Lao royal history along side but rather books that were published exclusively on this topic. Of course there may be other books on it too so certainly I cannot claim it is an exhaustive list, just hopefully a useful one nonetheless! They certainly make for some fascinating reading.

Title: Le Royaume du Laos 1949–1965 - Histoire Événementielle de l'indépendance à la guerre américaine
By: Jean Deuve
Publisher/Year: L'Harmattan, 1984, (multiple printings); Depositaire, Adrien-Maisonneuve, 1984
ISBN: 9782296321496
- 387 pages, in French

By: Boun Xouay Sri Savath
Publisher/Year: Unknown publisher, 1960
ISBN: Unknown
- 611 pages, in Thai

By: Christpher Kremmer
Publisher/Year: University of Hawaii Press, 1998
ISBN: 9780824820213
- 215 pages, in English

By: Christopher Kremmer
Publisher/Year: Silkworm Books, 2003; Flamingo/HarperCollins, 2005
ISBN: 9780732277567
- 224 pages, in English

Title: The Last century of Lao Royalty - A Documentary History
By: Grant Evans
Publisher/Year: Silkworm Books, 2009, 2012
ISBN: 9786162150081
- 448 pages, in English
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